Sunday, August 27, 2006

Science in the Media

The Dismal Portrayal of Science in the Media

Science is a toy that writers and producers play with. They make up things and twist them about to their liking, usually with complete and utter disregard for real science. The problem with this is that people believe what they see and hear in the media. People seem to be impressed by science but lack the patience to see an explanation all the way through to full understanding. They are happy with partial explanations and fill in the rest with their imaginations, which sadly leads to awful misunderstandings.

To add some legitimacy to my argument I reference a book review in the August 2006 issue of Scientific America. “By citing scientific terms, drama may suggest a claim to scientific accuracy and power, while in fact only using those terms impressionistically.” What I take as a fictional Playwright offers a counter to what the book reviewer said. “But there are so many deeper elements to the artistry: for instance, in contriving textual structure and dramatic form to illustrate content.” It’s sad to think that makers of media think they have the ability to use science to advance a story with no intent of reflecting it realistically; however what’s worse is that the audiences stand for it, and accepts it.

After a little more discussion the Playwright goes on to say, “The point is that the artist must meet the challenge posed by science...” Science does not control the media only the audience can do that. All that the media needs to do is be consistent to what the audience expects and knows, that is they have to seem to be plausible. So as more pseudoscience is portrayed in media more people start to believe it and the more they believe it the more of the same false science can be passed away by the media. It’s a self feeding cycle; people get dumber as a result the standards are lowered so they get dumber still.

The phenomenal spread of pseudoscience has real impacts, one of which is “the CSI effect”. There are eight CSI shows on that were rated in the top twenty shows on TV this last October. This phenomenon is new and still under research but the apparent trend is that people expect CSI like science in the real courtroom. But there is a huge disparity between real forensic science and that which is portrayed on television. One example given in the July 2006 issue of Scientific America is that forensic personnel on TV do not exist as they are a combination of police officer, detective, and forensic scientist. These three fields are too large to be mastered by a single person; after all there is a separate course of study for each discipline. Another problem with CSI is that what science that they do discuss they fail to address when where and how to use that science. Josh Marquis VP for NDAA said, “Jurors now expect us to have a DNA test for just about every case…”

I have experienced the fanatical devotion that people have for the pseudoscience that they believe because of the media. I watch the SciFi channel series Stargate Sg-1, and Atlantis. I tried to discuss the real science of the shows on one of the Stargate forums; I was not given a warm welcome. There was one user who denied the real science I presented and became downright confrontational when I was able to deflate their arguments with real science.

It also seems that some of the producers of media seem aware of what they are doing. In a behind the scenes “Science of Stargate” the lead writers were discussing what mistakes they had made in the past, which lead them to making a statement about how they had overstepped the bounds of plausibility, and they knew it. If they know the boundaries then do they know what they are doing? If they know what they are doing do they care? What are the bigger implications of this trend?

The trend of inept science and technology knowledge/education among the population can be seen in other fields, one of which is Information Technology. Computers now come with user accounts and administrator accounts. User accounts for people who don’t know computers and administrator accounts for the knowledgeable people. As technology encroaches more and more into everyday life the technology will be left to be run by “the smart people.” This could lead to classes of people: the knows and the knows not. It’s said that knowledge is power, if so then the smart will have power and they could use it to control the rest of the people. That in turn could lead to a class struggle…

The Popular Dissent

No one item of media accurately depicts popular culture. However the mood of popular culture can be seen to reflect the populace’s feelings and emotions. The re-release of Land of Conflict by Disturbed, particularly the video portrays a popular dissent. This is but one of many items of popular culture that reflect this trend of discontent. Another band whose songs paints popular dissent is Stained’s album Break the cycle. TV also displays these tendencies as well the now popular show: the 4400, by USA networks; whose plot revolves around a power struggle that is the eventual end of mankind.

The conflict between the haves and have nots is as old as time, Marx might have been the first to write about it and theorize on it but the fall of Rome was lead by this theme. Rome may have been a Republic but it was controlled by the Aristocracy, the rich; and the poor were but pawns to the rich. It cannot be denied that without a strong economy no stable government can exist. Much research has been done to this effect, a short list: Dr. Thomas P.M. Barnett, Lynn E. Davis, Stephen J. Flanagan et al. The weakening and eventual fall of Rome was of economic in nature. The accumulation of wealth in the Aristocracy was one of the contributing factors in the economic failure of Rome.

The Disturbed video clearly represents a dissent towards the rich and powerful, the symbol on the armies was but a sideways dollar sign, furthermore the politicians seemed to be serving the bureaucrat the one that enjoying the destruction, profiting from the turmoil.

Despite the Antitrust laws that America has the money is still consolidated in the minority of the rich. This can been seen by the corporate mergers, namely the reassembly of what was once the Bell monopoly. If companies are not monopolizing then they are likely partaking in an oligarchy; that is they cooperate to keep prices high, after all price wars are only good for the consumer. Also remember the research I was talking about well here is some more: “About 90 percent of the total value of stocks, bonds, trusts, and business equity were held by the top 10 percent [of the population].” So says Edward N. Wolff when talking about the United States. He also points out that the trend at least until 1998 was that the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer: “Between 1983 and 1998, 53 percent of the total growth in net worth accrued to the top 1 percent of households … the average wealth of the poorest 40 percent fell by 76 percent.” That’s not to say that this previous trend is not continuing.

The founding fathers modeled parts of the Constitution on ideas from Rome. The economic hardships that Rome experienced attributed to its fall. The economic hardships were led by greed. But greed is persistent, and little can be done about it. Rome fell to greed, will we? Will we follow Rome to the grave or will we be smarter then them? And if we survive, what will history attribute our survival to?

Unfairness will persist as long as selfishness does.
The land of bounty is the land of glutton, the land of glutton is the land of sin as sin is selfish desire.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Start:

To start out I want to publish Fate Faith and Freedom a previous work of mine, it follows:


I am. I am me. I am riding my motorcycle. I am crashing my motorcycle. I am returning from Field Training. I am invited to church by a friend. I am going away to college. I am an Eagle Scout. I am graduating from high school. I am in a high school play. I am buying my motorcycle. I am having a blast of a good time. I am going to Sea Base. I am going to summer camp. I am going to high school. I am meeting a friend who changes me. I am lonely. I am alienated. I am shunned by my peers. I am choosing to be normal. I am diagnosed with ADHD, and LD. I am going to my first scout meeting. I am getting in trouble. I am going to my first day of school. I am playing with friends. I am loved by family. I am born. I am memories, memories good and bad. I am an individual.

We are memories; that is what we are. You and I are made who we are by memories of past. We are not free, for we are memories of past. We have choice but choice is not infinite; not infinite because we are not infinite. We are finite, we are memories of past. We are feedback loops; memories of yesterday make decisions of today, decisions of today make memories of tomorrow. We are not free, for we are memories of past.


I have been hurt. I have been healed. I have been sad. I have been happy. I have been stressed. I have been relaxed. I have been used. I have used. I have made. I have destroyed. I have been strong. I have been weak. I have been betrayed. I have been befriended. I have been helped. I have been hurt.

Fate is what happens to us. We happen to Fate. Fate is random. Fate is directed. We make fate. Fate makes us. We choose Fate. Fate chooses us. Fate is built by us. We are built by Fate. Fate is disordered. Fate is organized. We organize Fate; we organize into Fate. Fate organizes us. Fate is self organized. We happen to Fate and Fate happens to us. Fate is not so random.


I believe. I believe god exists. I believe god is among us. I believe we are among god. I believe we are one with god. I believe god is one with us. I believe we know god. I believe god knows us. I believe I know god. I believe god knows me. I believe I am one with god. I believe god is one with me. I believe I love god. I believe god loves me. I believe we love god. I believe god loves us. I believe we don’t understand god. I believe we reject god. I believe we are lost from god. I believe we misrepresent god. I believe we have been misled. I believe our expression of god is wrong. I believe we will find god. I believe we will understand god. I believe god will find us. I have faith. I believe.

I believe there is truth; some truth in all things, but no one thing holds all truth. The bible has truth in its writings; some truths are not written. Some truths are implied and must be interpreted. I believe truth is relative. There is no absolute truth.
I believe we are created in god’s image. I believe we are created in god’s essence. We share god’s essence. We share existence with god; existence of mind, not matter. God has memories, like us.
Unlike us god memories are infinite. Infinite memories gives infinite knowledge. Infinite knowledge gives infinite understanding. Infinite understanding gives infinite power. Infinite power gives infinite responsibility; responsibility not to interfere with nature. Infinite responsibility gives infinite love. Freewill must exist, and cannot be annulled by god. God is powerless to change nature; powerless unless we allow. We can allow. We only allow god to annul our freewill. We cannot choose for others, god cannot choose for others. We choose only for ourselves. Our choice is true power.
Our choice is sin. Our selfish choice is sin. Our sin is our devil. We are the devil. The devil does not exist, only us.
Destroy the devil. Think not of yourself. Be kind and love. Help others for you never know when you won’t know of another’s pain.

I am. I remember. I live. I believe: so many dreams, so much hope, and so little time.

So what do you all think?