Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Aliens on Earth?

Departing From my usual tirades on serious issues a fun topic but still strict logic applied liberally (at least I hope.)

There is much controversy over whether or not extraterrestrials have visited Earth. It seems that the proponents of the belief that Aliens have come to Earth are more religious like then science like. So this is where I will attempt to interject some science, and possibly some logic.

I expect that there is intelligent life in the universe other then humans. Given that there are a huge number of stars in the universe and a small, oh so very small, percentage of those stars could support intelligent life that still leaves a large number of possible intelligent species besides us Humans. (Yes that’s modified from the movie Contact)
Anyways for this debate let’s Assume that there is indeed other intelligent life in the universe.

With that Assumption that means that those intelligent species are really really far away. We have looked a long ways out. I don’t know the exact number of light years we have looked but I would say about 1,000 to 100,000 light years. Now regardless of a cosmological speed limit of c (the speed of light), to get here would take either a long long long long time or they have to be really really smart.

Practically of course that means that they are really smart. After all with all of our primitive technology we would never launch a manned mission to Alpha Centauri. So again we make another Assumption, the intelligent species coming to Earth is technologically advanced.

Technology is a funny thing in that it is a steady growing and evolving entity that covers all areas of science decidedly uniformly. I mean to have computers you have to know about electricity, semiconductors, language, math, chemistry, and most importantly Physics. Likewise to have spacecraft we have to have powered flight, computers, navigation, engines worthy of spaceflight, and Physics.

With that in mind we make another Assumption, that these smart Aliens with advanced technology have stealth technology. Looking at our current technology we have advanced flight, primitive space travel, and rudimentary stealth technology. Our stealth technology only spans but a brief segment of the spectrum, and under special circumstances.

Here comes Assumption number four, the intelligent Aliens who have advanced technology also have advanced stealth technology. Advanced stealth technology means they are stealthy across the entire spectrum. This is also known in the Sci-Fi world as cloaking.

Lets look at our current sensor technology, we have nifty satellites and spy planes that can go fast and see a long way in many parts of the spectrum, extrapolate what we have to really smart Aliens and you get some kick ass remote sensing.

Before we wrap this up we have to look at reliability, with our primitive technology we have some pretty reliable stuff, namely satellites and missiles (namely the Air-to-Air missile AMRAAM). Also extrapolate this trend and their them Aliens have technology that doesn’t fail.

To wrap this all up into a nice little package we have Aliens with advanced technology to get to earth in a decent amount of time, they then have advanced stealth technology as well as sensors, all of which doesn’t break. So there is an alien sitting next to you reading along with you and you are none the wiser of its presence. Or they are sitting on the other side of the Sun watching us via remote sensing technology.

But hold on a moment we are not done yet, now we should address why they are here and what they are doing.

We can assume that they are benevolent because to develop to such an advanced stage they would almost have to be peaceful. That is because we is stronger then I so they would be a large group that is content. As far as them wanting to use us for something well we have nothing they would want. Our fuel sources would be wholly inferior to what they have, they wouldn’t want slaves (too much trouble slaves are,) and why would they want this planet that we are well on our way to destroying? Oh and if for some reason they wanted us gone, well I for one would supernova our Sun and we might have a few seconds to go oh Sh!t before we become quite toasty.

What would they want then? Well history is written by the winners, either deliberately or accidentally, so our history no matter how hard we try will be biased. Let’s Assume that their history is similarly biased. We would present quite the case study.

One more thing before I shut up: we have already established that the Aliens if on Earth could hide from us easily enough, and we also know that they are really smart. So they would be smart enough to know that if they disclosed their presence to us today or within the near future that we as a race would loose all order and fall into disorder chaos and anarchy. Thus they wouldn’t want to disclose their presence to us. Unless of course they wanted to destroy us.


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