Monday, November 20, 2006

The Devils Sin


“a vitiated [faulty or defective] state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God.” the definition of Sin according to Merriam-Webster. I turn to Merriam-Webster for a definition because I never received a good definition from pastors that I asked. I still think that this definition is quite vague, open for interpretation; and quite hard to apply to ones actions. I wanted a definition that when you think of something you did you can readily determine if it was sinful.

After much pondering and discussing with others I came up with my own definition: Sin is selfish desire. With this definition one can easily see if actions are sinful. Did it only benefit me? And did I want it? If yes to both then you sinned.

If the ultimate good is the fulfillment of all then with this definition of sin, sin is bad. Having sin be bad was one of the requirements for when I was looking for a definition; maintain its historical negative connotation.

The Devil:

Next I asked was who or what is the Devil? I was always taught the conventional teachings as the Devil being a fallen angel and the tempter of mankind. The biggest problem with this is that the Devil is external, not a part of people. It is a convenient excuse, an easy way out, “the Devil made me do it.”

I think the Devil is the collective manifestation of mankind’s internal guilt; how the Devil was invented I do not know but I suspect it was early on. To realize that the Devil is not external but a part of each and every one of us, we should all be better off. To know that people are neither good nor evil; its just that people do good things and they also do bad things. That is to know that the Devil a part of each and every one of us. The Devil is the manifestation of our own Selfish Desire, our own Sin.

Sin is selfish desire. To be mortal is to need, to desire, to sin. The Devil is our Sin.

We all desire good things, we all fear bad things. Fear is anti desire it is the opposite of what we want. To desire nothing is to fear nothing. To fear nothing is to be more then mortal.


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