Monday, December 04, 2006

My Christ

Please accept my Apologies I was so wrapped up in my own rhetoric in my last post “The Illogical Christ.” that I forgot to express my views on Christ.

I think Jesus was born a mortal, and through life became enlightened to the truth of God. In understanding God’s truth Jesus became Christ, he became one with God; a feat that any mortal can achieve, but not easily for it requires giving up sin which is selfish desire.

Christ did not die for mankind, he lived for mankind.
Christ did not forgive mankind’s sin in his death, for man was never held in bondage by God for our sin, thus God has never had to forgive man for his sin. Jesus Christ lived to tell mankind this, to teach them that they must forgive themselves, for we are the ones who hold onto sin. To live in peace with God one must first forgive themselves.

God knows that as mortals we will sin, God may have even created it that way. Because God knows the very nature of man God expects man to sin, to act on selfish desire.

God as a perfect being is perfectly compassionate and understands mankind’s sin, and thus does not hold sin against man. However, to not believe in God is to never find God after mortal death.

Mortal man is neither inherently good nor bad, the nature of man is neutral; it’s the choices of man that makes men good and evil. We are responsible for our choices, only as individuals are we accountable for our own choices; the good, and the bad.

As mortals there are needs that must be satisfied in order to survive, that is selfish desire which is sin. Some sin is necessary to survive and that is accepted, other sin is not needed which should be avoided. To be at peace with God is to be at peace with the self, and the world.


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