Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Conservative Conspiracy of Classification

When the government wants a secret they classify it, hence a classification.

I have not yet read Fahrenheit 451 but I know the general plot as explained by a co-worker: a future where books are banned and thought suppressed. We have not to fear a future of this making by people of a liberal mindset.

I saw a freighting group on; Do NOT support "The Golden Compass". I have liberal tendencies but would not say that I am liberal, just logical. I was raised a Catholic, went to college and lost God, then found God as a Christian, but have since had my eyes opened. I no longer have a narrow view of religion and faith in the form of a conventional religion (Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.)

The group is not the first time I have herd of controversy surrounding the upcoming movie "The Golden Compass". A recent article in the Wisconsin State Journal talked about how parents were going to keep their children home from a trip to see the movie, the trip was earned by hard work and the cost was the student’s responsibility.

It is this mindset that is dangerous, the one that prevents people from even contemplating an alternate view for fear that they might be wrong. It is because of this mindset that the fearful then wish to suppress the free thought and actions of others thus eventually leading to tyranny and oppression.

Even though I do not necessarily agree with all of the content in the Bible I think people should have access to it and read it, it has value and wisdom that many people could benefit from, and many do. I have benefited from its many lessons. I will, if I have children encourage them to read it to think about it and learn from the Bible. I will not suppress something I disagree with, and I will not support others who wish to suppress truth. All things have some truth, nothing has all truth.

Back to the group that started all this, in the group info section there were these comments:
“In the final book a boy and girl kill God so they can do as they please”

I find it ironic that religious people who believe in a God, a God that is generally all powerful, all knowing, and an immortal being, would fear a movie or book that has a god dieing in it. If the religions are right how can God die?

To me the fear is anti-desire; it is the opposite of what you want. So to fear the death of God is to want God to live, but the crux of fear is that the opposite of what you want is a possibility. So to fear the death of God is to admit that the death of God is possible.

And now for the Conspiracy:

Briefly stated is the implied conspiracy that the movies goal is to get children to read the books and then believe that gods can die.
“The movie is … designed to be … attractive in the hope unsuspecting parents will take … children to see the the movie and that the children will want the books for Christmas.”

Of course the producers of the film, the screenwriters, the director, the studio, the distributor, the actors and the staff all wanted to spread the word that God can die. Profit had nothing at all to do with the movie being made. It was all about enticing innocent children to read a book that has a god die in it so that they will doubt their religion.

In the end we must all remember:

Aristotle is said to have said,
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
It is the diametrically opposed mindset as the one described by Aristotle that we must fear for it will eventually lead to oppression of free thought.

All things have some truth, nothing has all truth.

Fear is the opposite of your desire, but it must be a possibility or it can not be feared.